If there is a problem with something you bought, or otherwise need to dispute a charge, a chargeback is one way to get your money back. If your bank approves the chargeback, it will reverse a transaction from your bank account or credit card to the brand or retailer, pulling the funds from their account back into yours.
While a useful option to have in your back pocket in certain worst-case scenarios, it’s arduous for you—it can take a lot of back and forth, and up to 60 days for your bank to process—and even more burdensome for the retailer you purchased from.
Luckily, with Route Shipping Protection, you won’t ever need to initiate a chargeback if your package is lost, damaged, or stolen, which means you can have your issue resolved—and your order replaced or refunded—quickly and easily with our proprietary claims process.
If you already initiated a chargeback for a Route-protected order, you must cancel the request before filing a claim with Route. If the chargeback has already been transacted, then Route Shipping Protection no longer covers your order.